Holders of the highest offices in Western countries are suffering from the same problem men unable to adjust to feminism, white people unable to adjust to racial equality, and heterosexual people unable to adjust to gay rights experienced when historic transformations in sexual, racial, and gender relations occurred, namely chauvinism.
Letting go of illegitimate power, particularly for individuals inculcated from youth with the assumption that social life is organized on the basis of dominance and subordination and that they belong to the dominant class requires a fundamental change in one's understanding of oneself, other people, and the world. This is hard for an individual conditioned to associate admitting having made a mistake with being ridiculed, attacked, or shunned, and doubly difficult for one who confuses condescension with respect.
Five hundred years of colonialism, 75 years of dollar hegemony, and 35 years of unipolarity have created a class of incompetent, arrogant, and extremely dangerous fools who wield anachronistic power as a consequence of an expired pedigree.
The world has moved on, but power in the West remains in the hands of a class for whom power still means "over" in a world in which power now means "to."