Old Man in a Room Somewhere Playing
Guitar and Talking into a Microphone

Topic: Media

I am finished writing to the NY Times.

The universe is ours!

The problem with Trump.

A green future for all.


Government dares not tax giant hoards.

A Nation.

Lousy journalism.


The loonie.

Value versus price.

Topic: Rent

Get tough with money addicts.

Two charts.

Through the roof.


Housing swaps.

Misleading statistics.

Difficult measures.

Developers can't build affordable housing.


The fatal flaw.

Monopoly pricing rents.

Industrial capital, finance capital, and supply and demand.

Economic climate "extremely challenging."

"Below market rents" is the wrong metric.

Right to buy.

Precisely pricing rental housing.

Speculators, tenants, and bad loans.

Redefining affordable.

Gambling on future interest rates.

Big shots.

Tax excessive profits of developers on federal land.

GDP per capita is the wrong metric.

Not just short-term rentals.

Property rights, tourism, and short-term rentals.

Performing housing assets means unaffordable housing.

50 dollars is a joke.

Topic: Housing

Immigration again.

Illusion of wealth.

Incentivizing rental housing construction.

Infill housing, yes. For Profit, no.

Not much social housing these days.

Publicly financing housing.

Supply, demand, and market rate housing.

Home ownership and wealth.

GDP, Debt, and the FIRE Sector.

Swan Lake condos.

Definancializing housing.

Janion Micro-Lofts.

Finance sector Keynesianism.

The margin isn't there.

Reusable housing designs.

Post-secondary education falls to financialized housing.

Land, financing, and profit.

Housing foreign students.

Housing is infrastructure.

Temporarily affordable housing.

Real costs.

Root cause versus band-aids.

30 per cent of house buyers are investors.

Pricing housing as a function of income.

House buyers' job.

Compensating developers.

Subsidy to build new houses is a bad idea.

Eliminate financial predators from housing markets.

Immigration and housing.

Lower interest rates drive listings.


Supply? Demand? Housing as a public utility.

Topic: Homelessness

Wokeism did not cause homelessness.

Involuntary confinement.

Clearing garbage.

Justifying homelessness.

The right question.

Complex questions require complex answers.

Topic: Healthcare

Why is CBC pushing privatizing healthcare?

Here we go again.

Healthcare privatization logic.

Malign neglect.

Healthcare funding and GDP.


Defunding healthcare.

A risible claim.

Fixing health care does not require "private options."

More than a fallacy. A frontal attack.

Topic: Wages

As much or more.

Shafting the young.

FDIC bailout. Odious student debt.

Misplaced outrage.

Fallacy of a living wage.

Workers, taxes, and capital gains.

Wrong solution.

Do not confuse income and wealth.

Topic: War

Defense spending.


Two factions. One oligarchy.

Insane maniacs.

Yanukovych was not "pro-Russian".

Red flag behaviour.



U.S. empire, rise and fall.

NATO in Ukraine.

Trump does not understand multipolarity.

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